The World’s First Augmented Reality Memoir
2023 Forbes Top 30 Under 30
Butterflies in the Trenches:
A Memoir of Struggle, Loss, and Triumph
A bold call to action to embrace the future of education with hope regardless of one’s circumstances, background, or position in society. Embark on Curtis's transformative journey from breaking the cycle of poverty and street crime to sacrificing and pro football career to cycle across Canada for kids in need, and becoming an Edtech AI Founder, and visionary behind the nation’s first futurist academy for the next generation. His bestselling memoir is available in 20+ languages and is sold exclusively on here.
Book Trailer for Butterflies in the Trenches
“Curtis Carmichael brings you on a ride—literally and figuratively—one filled with love, pain and resilience. Thank you, Curtis, for inviting us onto your porch, into your home, and along your journey. This powerful and heartfelt journey is required for all educators, reminding us of the stories, lessons, and humanity each one of our students brings to our classrooms.”
“Hearing Curtis speak is something all educators need to hear. His talk will change the way you look at yourself, the world we live in, and how we each have the power and gifts to make a difference.”
“From pain to perspective, to possibilities to purpose. Mr. Carmichael takes us on a physical, emotional, and metaphorical journey that is inspiring, energizing, and galvanizing. It left me feeling that we MUST do something, anything, and everything we can do to change the narrative. Curtis is a brilliant messenger of hope . . . and he is also the message.”
“Curtis Carmichael’s vivid, first-hand story of growing up in the poverty and racism of community housing in Toronto takes a remarkable turn, emerging as a practical guide for encouraging hope and fostering human potential.”
“Curtis Carmichael is truly one of the most remarkable people I have ever met. His desire to give back, to pay it forward, to hold the door open for those behind him is beyond empowering. I have the privilege of getting to know hundreds of young adults per year through my role at the university (which I’ve held for fifteen years now), and it takes a very remarkable individual to stand out from the crowd. Curtis is one of those rare individuals.”
“Curtis will be an amazing asset to any conference for educators, librarians, or school leaders. His story was from the heart which really counts with the young people we work with which is far more important than a whole slew of statistics.”
“History, or should I say his story, reminds me of my own. I’ve always known there was untold excellence, unseen beauty, and brilliance without a platform in marginalized communities: butterflies in the trenches. Mr. Carmichael has taught me that ‘success is not making it out, it’s making your life and community better.’”
“Curtis’ astonishing life journey left me speechless. It takes an extraordinary individual to share their story in such a vulnerable, expressive, and enlightening way that makes anyone a better person. The trials throughout life that he encountered, embraced, and flourished from will leave you feeling inspired to tackle their own grind - whether that is in sports, social justice, or the importance of giving back to communities.”
“Curtis Carmichael and Butterflies in the Trenches will provide meaningful and inspirational signposts on your journey of healing. Curtis shows that if you take steps to ‘become who you needed when you were younger,’ if we all do, the world will be a very different and a much better place.”
“Curtis' compelling insight, thoughtful observation, and new way of looking at things isn’t just a great story: it’s a love song of hustle and motivation, but it’s also a challenge to all of us to try and match Curtis’ incredible example.”
“Curtis shines a light on the brilliance and ingenuity of all children and youth from all communities. These narratives inform our fight for educational justice to remove the barriers that prevent this brilliance from shining.”
“In this insightful, compelling memoir, Carmichael adds to his impressive list of inspiring contributions where we can learn how a young Black man navigated the structures of inequity to become an award-winning athlete, educator, and community activist.”
"If “be the change you wish to see” was a person, it would be Curtis Carmichael. This beautiful story of pain and triumph, setbacks and motivation, is the kind of story our world needs right now. Curtis’ words will inspire and change you from the inside, so that you have the empathetic courage to do everything better on the outside.”
“This is a brilliant book! I wish my school’s young adult booklist contained a story like this: describing a time and environment I care about in high-definition detail, in an authentic voice, and with an inspiring and insightful message. And I’m not surprised this book was partly inspired by Hip-Hop because it does precisely what rap music does at its best: proudly telling our stories and delivering our wisdom. Teachers, stock up!”
“Curtis’ Butterflies in the Trenches story lifts the veil off the devastating effects of systemic racism on Black communities and will open your eyes to the Canada you thought you knew. It’s a story of survival, creativity, and the journey of a remarkable young man.”
“In the Muskoka Woods community we have a saying that is fundamental to who we are and what we do – “A leader is a person who looks at their world and says ‘It doesn’t have to be this way’ and does something about it.” When I think of Curtis Carmichael I believe he embodies that statement, not only in the things he has accomplished, but in the man he has become.”
“There are very few people in this world that can inspire you with both their actions and when they speak, Curtis is one of them. He has a way of inspiring you to be more and to give more. There is no doubt in my mind that Curtis will impact millions of people's lives with his message and with his actions. If he is speaking somewhere people will listen and I can guarantee they will be inspired.”
“Curtis has a unique way of using his knowledge and personal experience to engage and educate an audience. His ability to ask the right questions plays a huge role on how he is able to invite people into challenging conversations and help them view situations from another perspective. It is the reason he is able to have a great influence with those he interacts with no matter their age, race, or socio-economic status.”
“Curtis is a role model to our next-gen leaders; someone who is committed to helping young adults break barriers, rules, and societal norms. He will enlighten and guide the next steps for every dreamer, believer, doer, and thinker.”
“From dealing drugs as a child to becoming an award-winning STEM entrepreneur, Curtis Carmichael is proof that the lessons learned on the streets can transfer to the boardroom and beyond. The resilience and resourcefulness that is required for survival in the hood is a sought-after asset in the business world. Curtis is a reminder that the great leaders of tomorrow may be living in public housing today.”
“Curtis' inspirational journey shows how wisdom and guidance can often come from the most unexpected places and sources if we are open enough to listen.”
“Curtis had so many reasons to give up, yet he continued to relentlessly push forward. His story is a poignant call-to-action to address our failed system while also serving as a beautiful reminder that we all have the power to create change, no matter our circumstances. Curtis’ courage to speak his truth will no doubt impact countless lives and communities.”
“Curtis Carmichael inspired me to want to do more! He proved that the mind truly is a powerful tool and when fully unlocked, anything is possible. His relentless pursuit of greatness is definitely at the forefront and his understanding of what the true meaning of success is, shows. I cannot wait to see the result of his dedication and hard work. He truly deserves it and the beneficiaries of his work will forever be grateful because now there is proof that anyone, can make it out of the mud.”
“Told with heart and honesty, Curtis takes us through an incredible dichotomy of Canadian life, makes it accessible, reminds us to tell our own stories, and do our part to change the world.”
“Butterflies in the Trenches is honest and necessary. Curtis shares with relatable nuance why change must start at home and the difficulties in doing so. He exemplifies perseverance; his journey offers inspiration for young and old alike.”
“I thank him for sharing this intimate part of himself and for introducing us to many other change makers who, like Curtis, inspire us to become our better selves.”
“This is more than a travelogue about a bicycle journey across Canada. It is a history book, a raw journal of current events, a biography and most importantly an inspirational message of a better tomorrow one pedal revolution at a time despite the hills and headwinds.”
“Poignant and powerful. Butterflies in the Trenches is a must read memoir for anyone who wants to better understand how systemic inequality and generational legacy work.”
“Compelling, honest and deeply moving, Butterflies in the Trenches is a powerful story of childhood, community, and hope in one of Canada’s most neglected neighbourhoods. A hugely inspiring book from an author who so eloquently writes that ‘To honour those we lost, we have to become the people we needed when we were younger.’ Carmichael certainly has achieved that. A vital read.”
“Just read this book. Carmichael’s tenacity is exactly what makes Scarborough a magical place and what makes this book a thrilling journey.”